Monday, April 13, 2015

The United States - A Socialist Country?

Introducing “Obamacare”, the mandatory health care insurance in the U.S., is often mentioned by the issue if that means that a socialized medical care is invented. About this point there are large uncertainties.

“Obamacare” respects the liberal principle that the Government is setting the framework and is defining minimal standards. “Obamacare” requires that everyone has to have a healthcare insurance. And the insurance contracts have to fulfill minimal levels of services. The performers are private organizations and participants. The Health Insurance Companies are offering their services and work with their participants like hospitals, medical doctors, medical laboratories and pharmacies. They settle up the services done by private authorities. Health Insurance Companies, hospitals, medical doctors, medical laboratories and pharmacies are active as private businesses. 

In a system of socialized medicine all medical services would be processed by government related companies and authorities like in Canada, Great Britain and Norway. In these cases every activity is done by the government, beginning with the insurance, all medical services, stay in hospitals and purchasing of medicine.

With “Obamacare” in the U.S. the benefits of a health insurance contract is stipulated. All other market participants like medical doctors or private companies (insurer, hospitals, pharmacies) are private businesses. 

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