Thursday, April 9, 2015

Health Care System

The introduction of the new health care policies should have offered the targeted people choices by means of computer-aided market platforms. The federal government’s programming of these market platforms was disastrous. Valuable time for new applications was taken up with corrections and patchwork repairs presumably strengthening the predominant rejection of mandatory health care throughout the country. Federal government regulations are met with suspicion and treated with utmost skepticism. The introduction of Obamacare is no exception.

It is interesting that the new mandatory insurance is aimed at about 15% of the population, i.e., more than 80% of residents have health care and know about its benefits. Yet, a majority rejects Obamacare.

Whoever is covered by a health care plan pays a predetermined price for visits to the doctor or hospital negotiated with the insurance company. A special report by Steven Brill shows that especially middle class patients without insurance coverage pay for the horrendous cost of their treatment, thereby depleting their savings often earmarked for retirement.[1] As all residents must have health care insurance by 2014, negotiated prices will have to be paid in full or partially by the health insurers. 

[1] Steven Brill, Bitter Pill, Why Medical Bills Are Killing Us, Special Report in Time Magazine, March 4, 2013

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