Thursday, November 6, 2014

Divided Country

·         A recent report by the Pew Research Center found that Americans are more politically polarized today than they were 20 years ago.[1] Twenty-one percent of Americans consider themselves to be consistently liberal or consistently conservative. “You have more than a third of Republicans saying the Democratic Party is a threat to the nation, more than a quarter of Democrats saying the same thing about the Republicans,” said Michael Dimock, Vice President of Research at the Pew Research Center.[2] Compromise doesn’t appear to be the goal anymore. Instead, people seem to prefer to be around those with the same values for living and working, and are tired of hearing a different opinion. 

[1]Pew study finds more polarized Americans increasingly resistant to political compromise”, Rocky Mountain PBS, The Newshour, June 12, 2014, Gwen Ifill discusses with Michael Dimock
[2]   Michael Dimock, ibid.

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